Videos relacionados con tpn incisional


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  • Incisions - Substance (A1)

  • TRyP TPN°3 Guzmán - Cáceres - Moyano

    Ver video "TRyP TPN°3 Guzmán - Cáceres - Moyano"


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  • Los Ases (Trailer) - TPN° 3 Técnicas de Registro y Posproducción

    Ver video "Los Ases (Trailer) - TPN° 3 Técnicas de Registro y Posproducción"

  • Trastorno de la Personalidad Narcisista (TPN): #Top10 frases habituales

    Trastorno de la Personalidad Narcisista (TPN): #Top10 frases habituales

    Ver video "Trastorno de la Personalidad Narcisista (TPN): #Top10 frases habituales"

  • Funduplicatura transoral sin incisión: una opción innovadora para el reflujo gastroesofágico - #MSP

    #EspecialMSP ⚕️¿Funduplicatura transoral sin incisión como opción innovadora para el #reflujogastroesofágico? Este método menos invasivo para tratarlo podría cambiarlo todo. ¡Aquí te contamos los detalles, comparte!
    #MSP: El lugar donde médicos, profesionales de la salud y pacientes pueden entrar. #MSPLíderesPioneros

    Ver video "Funduplicatura transoral sin incisión: una opción innovadora para el reflujo gastroesofágico - #MSP"

  • El Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona opera un tumor parafaríngeo con una técnica que evita incisiones

    Profesionales del Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona han operado un tumor parafaríngeo, en el paladar blando, con una técnica "pionera" que evita abrir el cuello y preserva los sentidos, informan la Conselleria de Salud de la Generalitat y el hospital en un comunicado tras presentar este viernes los detalles de la intervención.

    (Fuente: Europa Press / Hospital Vall d'Hebrón)

    Ver video "El Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona opera un tumor parafaríngeo con una técnica que evita incisiones"

  • Nuevo pegamento quirúrgico para cerrar heridas tras la cirugía

    Científicos coreanos han desarrollado un nuevo adhesivo tisular, que se trata de un pegamento quirúrgico para cerrar las heridas después de la cirugía.

    Ver video "Nuevo pegamento quirúrgico para cerrar heridas tras la cirugía"

  • Tummy Tuck North Dakota Tummy tuck drains are silicone tubes that are inserted into your abdomen either through specially made incisions, or through the tummy tuck incision.

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  • Tummy Tuck North Dakota As the tummy tuck incision heals, you will gradually need less and less bandaging. You will need to drain your incision wound two to three times a day.

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  • Face Lift Illinois A face lift surgeon places the face lift incisions around the patients ear and sometimes into the hairline.

    Ver video "Face Lift Illinois"

  • Face Lift Tennessee A facelift surgeon places the facelift incisions around the patients ear and sometimes into the hairline.

    Ver video "Face Lift Tennessee"

  • Face Lift Idaho After the patient is anesthetized, the facelift surgeon places the incisions around the ear and into the hairline, if necessary.

    Ver video "Face Lift Idaho"

  • Face Lift Minnesota facelift incisions are placed in inconspicuous areas so that the facelift patient has a natural appearance.

    Ver video "Face Lift Minnesota"

  • Face Lift Alabama Facelift surgeons are skilled in masking the fact that patients have had a facelift, and after the incisions have healed.

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  • SmartLipo North Dakota The incisions involved in a SmartLipo surgery are tiny, but in rare some, the SmartLipo surgeon may close them with stitches.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Delaware Improvements in device assisted liposuction include the ability to use smaller cannuals, concluding smaller incisions and more precisely sculpted contours.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Michigan Now tumescent liposuction minimizes the risk by implementing cutting-edge technology, finer, smaller instruments, fewer incisions and localized anesthetic.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Indiana The tumescent liposuction advantage is: only requires local anesthesia, and it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

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  • Face Lift Massachusetts Where the incisions will be, go over the exact areas on your face that will be lifted and what anesthesia you want.

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  • Face Lift Minnesota Facelift surgeons are skilled in masking the fact that patients have had a facelift, and after the incisions have healed.

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  • Face Lift Wisconsin Before the facelift process begins the patient will be administered anesthesia. Then the facelift surgeon begins by making the incisions.

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  • LaserLipo Guide The laser promotes skin tightening over treated areas. Smaller instruments mean smaller incisions that do not require sutures and leave no unsightly scars.

    Ver video "LaserLipo Guide"

  • Face Lift Arizona Facelift surgeons are skilled in masking the fact that patients have had a facelift, and after the incisions have healed.

    Ver video "Face Lift Arizona"

  • Face Lift Alaska After the patient is anesthetized, the facelift surgeon places the incisions around the ear and into the hairline, if necessary.

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  • Face Lift Oregon The facelift incisions are regularly placed in areas where they will not be visible so that the facelift patient has a natural appearance.

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  • Non Surgical Liposuction Iowa Ultrasonic Body technique is able to go to the skins surface wit out any incisions and can help eliminate fat within the body.

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  • Face Lift Louisiana A facelift in concept is a very easy procedure. A facelift surgeon makes incision on a person's forehead and neck mainly.

    Ver video "Face Lift Louisiana"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Hawaii Improvements in device assisted liposuction include the ability to use smaller annuals, concluding smaller incisions and more precisely sculpted contours.

    Ver video "Tumescent Liposuction Hawaii"

  • Laser Lipo Montana Smaller instruments mean smaller incisions that do not require sutures and leave no unsightly scars. The result: a new, more beautiful you.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Montana"

  • SmartLipo New Mexico
    After the SmartLipo surgery minor bleeding or seepage through the incision site(s) is common. Wearing the compression garment also helps reduce fluid loss.

    Ver video "SmartLipo New Mexico"

  • Inteligencia artificial en el quirófano

    Las incisiones en las operaciones del Hospital de Sarrebruck son más precisas gracias a la inteligencia artificial. Los lentes de datos proporciona a los cirujanos mayor seguridad.

    Ver video "Inteligencia artificial en el quirófano"

  • SmartLipo Colorado
    The SmartLipo incision is no bigger than a mosquito bite; this makes this procedure almost not noticeable expect for the great results that are achieved.

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  • Laser Lipo New Hampshire The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. Then the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions.

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  • Liposuction North Dakota Similar again to Tumescent Liposuction a cannula is inserted into a small incision but instead uses a laser to liquefy the fat cells.

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  • Laser Lipo Mississippi The laser promotes skin tightening over treated areas. Smaller instruments mean smaller incisions that do not require sutures and leave no unsightly scars.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Mississippi"

  • Facelift Utah A facelift is a common and safe procedure. A facelift surgeon places the facelift incisions around the patients ear and sometimes into the hairline.

    Ver video "Facelift Utah"

  • SmartLipo Idaho
    The SmartLipo incision is no bigger than a mosquito bite; this makes this procedure almost not noticeable expect for the great results that are achieved.

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  • Tumescent Liposuction Arkansas The tumescent liposuction advantage is two-fold: first; it only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

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  • Face Lift Connecticut A facelift is a common and safe procedure. A facelift surgeon places the facelift incisions around the patients ear and sometimes into the hairline.

    Ver video "Face Lift Connecticut"

  • Face Lift New Mexico The incisions of a FaceLift are regularly placed in areas where they will not be visible so that the facelift patient has a natural appearance.

    Ver video "Face Lift New Mexico"

  • SmartLipo Colorado The SmartLipo incision is no bigger than a mosquito bite; this makes this procedure almost not noticeable expect for the great results that are achieved.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Colorado"

  • Laser Lipo Mississippi The laser promotes skin tightening over treated areas. Smaller instruments mean smaller incisions that do not require sutures and leave no unsightly scars.

    Ver video "Laser Lipo Mississippi"

  • Cabello: Oposición quería causar una herida a la Fanb

    El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional (AN) Diosdado Cabello, aseguró que la oposición ha querido causar una incisión o herida en la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (Fanb).

    Ver video "Cabello: Oposición quería causar una herida a la Fanb"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Mississippi The tumescent liposuction advantage only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions. The best Tecnology in Tumescent Liposuction.

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  • Lipoescultura El procedimiento de lipoescultura básico implica la inserción de un instrumento pequeño en forma de tubo, llamado cánula, a través de diminutas incisiones hechas por el cirujano.

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  • SmartLipo Maine The SmartLipo incision is no bigger than a mosquito bite; this makes this procedure almost not noticeable expect for the great results that are achieved.

    Ver video "SmartLipo Maine"

  • Face Lift Alabama A facelift is a common and safe procedure. A facelift surgeon places the facelift incisions around the patients ear and sometimes into the hairline.

    Ver video "Face Lift Alabama"

  • SmartLipo Alaska After the SmartLipo surgery minor bleeding or seepage through the incision site(s) is common. Wearing the compression garment also helps reduce fluid loss.

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  • Face Lift Wisconsin The major Face Lift incisions start at the hairline near the temple and runs behind your ear following the natural hair line and ends at the lower scalp.

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  • SMART LIPO MPX: SMART LIPO MPX SURGEONS The Smartlipo MPX laser actually ruptures fat cells, and the resulting oily, liquid substance is then removed through a suction device inserted through a tiny incision in the skin.


  • Tumescent Liposuction Mississippi The tumescent liposuction advantage is two-fold: first; it only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

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  • Face Lift Idaho A facelift patient wears special bandages after surgery to protect the facelift incisions. A week after, patients should return to their surgeon for a consultation

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  • Laser Lipo Alabama The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the surgeon makes tiny incisions

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  • Jesús fue rescatado durante el sismo de 1985 en el vientre de su madre

    La mujer se postró frente al cuerpo de su hija que había pasado tres días entre los escombros, tomó una navaja y le hizo una incisión para sacar al bebé que ...

    Ver video "Jesús fue rescatado durante el sismo de 1985 en el vientre de su madre"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Missouri Tumescent liposuction is simplified compared to other liposuction methods. The tumescent liposuction only requires local anesthesia, and it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

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  • Texas Smart Liposuction With the use of Smart Lipo lasers and smaller liposuction cannulas, liposuction of today allows for more precise contouring and promotes skin tightening. Smaller instruments mean smaller incisions.

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  • Laser Lipo Louisiana Stitches used by surgeons will be removed typically a few days after Laser Lipo surgery. However, most Laser Lipo surgeons use no sutures. They rely on dressings to cover the incisions.

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  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions.

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  • Tummy Tuck Tennessee Tummy tuck surgery begins with the tummy tuck surgeon making a long incision across the abdomen from hip bone to hip bone at the bottom part of the abdomen

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  • La inteligencia artificial es el asistente del cirujano

    La inteligencia artificial se convierte en ayuda crucial para los cirujanos. Prepara las incisiones correctamente e identifica las zonas vulnerables.

    Sitio web:

    #ElEconomista #IA #EETV

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  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions.

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  • Laser Lipo Arkansas
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions.

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  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions.

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  • SmartLipo MPX New Jersey
    The Smartlipo MPX laser actually ruptures fat cells, and the resulting oily, liquid substance is then removed through a suction device inserted through a tiny incision in the skin.

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  • Laser Lipo Maryland Stitches used by surgeons will be removed typically a few days after Laser Lipo surgery. However, most Laser Lipo surgeons use no sutures. They rely on dressings to cover the incisions.

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  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions.

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  • TumescentLiposuction: Lipo Tumescent liposuction is simplified compared to other liposuction methods. The tumescent liposuction advantage is two-fold: first; it only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

    Ver video "TumescentLiposuction: Lipo"

  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions, (0.12-0.25 in).

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  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions, (0.12-0.25 in).

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  • Moteles boutique ofrecen habitaciones adaptadas para personas con alguna discapacidad

    ¡Para el amor no hay discapacidad! Preocupados por la incisión sexual, moteles boutique de la CDMX ofrecen habitaciones adaptadas para personas con alguna discapacidad dándoles la oportunidad de celebrar este #14DeFebrero de una manera divertida y erótica.

    Ver video "Moteles boutique ofrecen habitaciones adaptadas para personas con alguna discapacidad"

  • Tumescent Liposuction Cost
    Tumescent liposuction is simplified compared to other liposuction methods. The tumescent liposuction advantage is two-fold: first; it only requires local anesthesia, and second; it is minimally invasive requiring only a few tiny incisions.

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  • Aumento de mamas: Cirugia estetica

    •En la técnica más común, el cirujano hace una incisión quirúrgica en la parte inferior de la mama, en el pliegue cutáneo natural, a través del cual colocará el implante. La cicatriz puede ser un poco más visible si usted es más joven, delgada y aún no ha tenido hijos.
    •El implante se puede colocar a través de una incisión debajo del brazo. El cirujano puede realizar esta cirugía empleando un endoscopio, una herramienta con una cámara e instrumentos quirúrgicos en el extremo que se introduce a través de la incisión. No habrá ninguna cicatriz alrededor de la mama, pero usted puede quedar con una cicatriz visible por debajo del brazo.
    •El cirujano puede hacer un corte alrededor del borde de la areola, el área oscurecida alrededor del pezón. El implante se coloca a través de esta abertura. Con este método, usted puede tener más problemas para amamantar y pérdida de la sensibilidad alrededor del pezón.

    Ver video "Aumento de mamas: Cirugia estetica"

  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions, (0.12-0.25 in).

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  • Laser Lipo Missouiri
    The Laser Lipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the Laser Lipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions, (0.12-0.25 in).

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  • Smart Lipo Top Docs Tennessee The SmartLipo surgeon first numbs the skin with an injection of local anesthetic. After the skin is desensitized and numb, the SmartLipo surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions, usually 0.12-0.25 in (3-6 mm) in length.

    Ver video "Smart Lipo Top Docs Tennessee"

  • Tummy Tuck Tummy tuck usually takes about two to five hours depending on the extent of your tummy tuck procedure. The surgery begins with the tummy tuck surgeon making a long incision across the abdomen from hip bone to hip bone at the bottom part of the abdomen.

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  • Tummy Tuck Tummy tuck usually takes about two to five hours depending on the extent of your tummy tuck procedure. The surgery begins with the tummy tuck surgeon making a long incision across the abdomen from hip bone to hip bone at the bottom part of the abdomen.

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  • Tummy Tuck Tummy tuck usually takes about two to five hours depending on the extent of your tummy tuck procedure. The surgery begins with the tummy tuck surgeon making a long incision across the abdomen from hip bone to hip bone at the bottom part of the abdomen.

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  • Así fue el triple crimen de Chiloeches: dos machetes, "decenas de puñaladas" y huida precipitada con joyas y relojes

    El número de incisiones ha llamado mucho la atención de los agentes de Homicidios y, en esta fase tan incipiente de la investigación, no se descarta que pueda haber más de un autor material. La hipótesis de un robo fallido, que se convirtió en asesinato cuando el ladrón fue descubierto, continúa siendo la principal hipótesis.

    Ver video "Así fue el triple crimen de Chiloeches: dos machetes, "decenas de puñaladas" y huida precipitada con joyas y relojes"

  • Facoemulsificación.
    Es la técnica más avanzada para la cirugía de catarata que actualmente existe en el mundo. Este método consiste en
    realizar una micro-incisión, a través de la cual se introduce una sonda fina que dispara ultrasonido o láser, para fragmentar la catarata
    en micro partículas que son aspiradas al mismo tiempo a través del conducto de la sonda. Finalmente se implanta un lente intraocular
    especial plegable, éste se expande luego en forma perfecta dentro del ojo, reemplazando al cristalino. En la mayoría de los casos no
    se requiere de puntadas ya que la micro-incisión es lo suficientemente pequeña para auto sellarse. Esta técnica permite una recuperación
    visual rápida del paciente. La facoemulsificación es una de las técnicas quirúrgicas más segura y precisa de la oftalmología moderna.

    Ver video "Facoemulsificación."

  • Primer trasplante de pulmón completamente robótico y sin corte torácico - #MSP

    #EspecialMSP I La #cirugíarobótica con #DaVinci, un robot ya disponible en #PuertoRico, redujo una tradicional incisión de 30 centímetros por una de 8 en la parte inferior del esternón en un #trasplante de pulmón. ¿Cómo sucedió este hito de la #medicina? ¡Te lo contamos en este, comparte!

    #MSP: El lugar donde médicos, investigadores y pacientes pueden entrar. #MSPLíderesPioneros


    Ver video "Primer trasplante de pulmón completamente robótico y sin corte torácico - #MSP"



    La palabra cesárea se refiere al tipo de partos en el cual se hace una incisión quirúrgica en el cuerpo de la madre para extraer al bebé del útero y se realizan cuando ocurren problemas inesperados durante el parto.


  • Hito médico: Primer trasplante de pulmón completamente robótico y sin corte torácico - #MSP

    #MSPRobótica I La #cirugíarobótica con #DaVinci, un robot ya disponible en #PuertoRico, redujo una tradicional incisión de 30 centímetros por una de 8 en la parte inferior del esternón y disminuyó considerablemente los riesgos del #postoperatorio. ¿Cómo sucedió este hito de la medicina? ¡Te lo contamos en este #EspecialMSP, comparte!

    #MSP: El lugar donde médicos, investigadores y pacientes pueden entrar. #MSPLíderesPioneros


    Ver video "Hito médico: Primer trasplante de pulmón completamente robótico y sin corte torácico - #MSP"

  • ¿Cómo limpiar un puerro?

    Perrine, de gourmande et citadine, le explica cómo limpiar un puerro de manera a extraer toda la arena.
    Hay que cortar un poco el puerro, y hacer una incisión para quitar las primeras hojas. Después, hay que enjuagar el puerro, apretando bien con el fin de crear espacios para que el agua circule bien.
    Encuentre otras astucias en

    Ver video "¿Cómo limpiar un puerro?"

  • Robot origami - Da vinci system surgery

    The da Vinci Surgical System is the only commercially available technology that can provide the UH surgeon with the precision, dexterity and control of traditional open surgery, while only requiring 1-2 cm incisions.

    da Vinci Surgical System consists of an ergonomically designed surgeon's console, a patient cart with four robotic arms, a high-performance vision system and patented EndoWrist instruments

    Ver video "Robot origami - Da vinci system surgery"

  • El Hospital Vall d'Hebron hace el primer trasplante pulmonar del mundo completamente robótico

    Se ha hecho con una técnicamente mínimamente invasiva y una nueva vía de acceso, con pequeñas incisiones de pocos centímetros

    Vídeo: EP

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