Valldigna Extrem 2014 - Corresendes Xeresa 29/3/2014
Tavernes de la Valldigna - Font de la Sangonera ~ Corresendes XRS
Fontetes de Cantus-Alt de les Creus-Font de La SangoneraVer video "Tavernes de la Valldigna - Font de la Sangonera ~ Corresendes XRS"
Dos mujeres tiroteadas en Tavernes de Valldigna, en Valencia
Otro posible caso de violencia machista. Esta vez ha sido en la localidad valenciana de Tavernes de Valldigna, en Valencia, donde un hombre ha disparado con una escopeta a su exmujer en la pierna y a su exsuegra en el estómago antes de que él se disparara en la cabeza, provocándose la muerte. La Policía trabaja en averiguar las causas del ataque. Los vecinos conocen poco sobre lo acontecido, pero aseguran que eran personas amables, sin problemas aparentes.
-Redacción-Ver video "Dos mujeres tiroteadas en Tavernes de Valldigna, en Valencia"
Accessibility English Subtitles
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Spanish Accessibility Subtitles
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Vecinos de Tavernes de la Valldigna valoran los efectos de la tormenta
Declaraciones de algunos vecinos de la localidad valenciana de Tavernes de la Valldigna en las que han valorado los efectos de la tromba de agua de este fin de semana que registró más de 200 litros por metro cuadrado en apenas una hora. Operarios y vecinos siguen limpiando y reparando los desperfectos que ha dejado la gota fría en su municipio.
Ver video "Vecinos de Tavernes de la Valldigna valoran los efectos de la tormenta"
Tavernes de la Valldigna vuelve a la normalidad tras las lluvias
Imágenes de Tavernes de la Valldigna, municipio valenciano que ha vuelto a la normalidad tras registrar en una hora 218 litros por metro cuadrado durante el fin de semana, en el episodio de gota fría que afectó a toda la Comunidad Valenciana. Socavones, calzadas levantadas y sótanos inundados son algunas de las consecuencias de las lluvias torrenciales que se registraron en esta localidad.
Ver video "Tavernes de la Valldigna vuelve a la normalidad tras las lluvias"
Los vecinos de Tavernes pueden quedarse sin toros
Sin toros, así es como se van a quedar los vecinos de la localidad valenciana de Tavernes de la Valldigna si los organizadores de las fiestas no presentan la documentación necesaria para la seguridad de la plaza.
Ver video "Los vecinos de Tavernes pueden quedarse sin toros"
Tavernes puede quedarse sin toros este año
Vecinos de Tavernes de la Valldigna están preocupados por la posibilidad de quedarse, después de 30 años, sin festejos taurinos. Y es que, el consistorio pide a la organización una documentación sobre medidas de seguridad que no se ha presentado.
Ver video "Tavernes puede quedarse sin toros este año"
Accessibility Checklist - Hosting a Conference
Click The Link Below To Find Honest Uptodate Reviews Of The Cheapest Webhosts
Accessibility Checklist - Hosting a Conference
Ver video "Accessibility Checklist - Hosting a Conference"
Moción de censura en pueblo valenciano
El Ayuntamiento de Simat de la Valldigna (Valencia) debatió la moción de censura presentada por los concejales de los grupos municipales del PSPV-PSOE, Bloc y Esquerra Republicana del País Valencià contra el alcalde popular, Sebastián Mahiques.
Ver video "Moción de censura en pueblo valenciano"
Graves las dos mujeres heridas por violencia machista en Valencia
València, 27 jul (EFE).- La mujer de 29 años y su madre, de 52, que fueron tiroteadas ayer por la expareja de la primera, que después se suicidó, en el municipio valenciano de Tavernes de la Valldigna, siguen ingresadas en estado grave.
Fuentes de la Conselleria de Sanidad han informado a EFE que una de las víctimas se encuentra ingresada en el hospital La Fe de València con pronóstico reservado, mientras que la otra se encuentra "estable" en el hospital de Gandia.
Los hechos sucedieron sobre las 15.30 horas cuando el agresor, de 35 años, se presentó en el bajo de un inmueble propiedad de sus exsuegros en la citada localidad y disparó con una escopeta a su exmujer y a la madre de esta, y posteriormente se suicidó disparándose con la misma arma.
Fuentes de la investigación indicaron a EFE que el matrimonio tenía un hijo en común y el hombre tenía una orden de alejamiento dictada por la autoridad judicial.
Palabras clave: efe,violencia machista,valencia,tavernes de la valldignaVer video "Graves las dos mujeres heridas por violencia machista en Valencia"
City Council Approve Ordinance For Accessible Parking Spaces
Ver video "City Council Approve Ordinance For Accessible Parking Spaces"
Use Accessibility tools for sound alerts and audio descriptions
esigned in partnership with the Deaf and hard of hearing community, Sound Notifications within Live Transcribe & Notifications can detect critical household sounds like fire alarms, running water, and door knocks and alert you on your phone or watch when they occur. Now, with custom sounds, you can add your own sounds, like appliances, to your alert library.
To make TV shows and movies more accessible to people who are blind or low-vision, Audio Descriptions on Google TV narrate live visual information as it happens so you never miss that crucial cliffhanger.
To learn more about these features, check out: video "Use Accessibility tools for sound alerts and audio descriptions"
Android Accessibility Communicate using facial gestures and preset actions
The newest Android accessibility app helps people communicate using facial gestures and preset actions if they’re unable to speak or use their phone with their hands. From texting a loved one to getting a caregiver’s attention, people can now use the app to speak phrases, play audio, send messages and more.
Ver video "Android Accessibility Communicate using facial gestures and preset actions"
Promeses PP a Tavernes
Video informatiu falses promeses del PP de Tavernes de la Valldigna.
Ver video "Promeses PP a Tavernes"
The Last of Us Part I - Accessibility Trailer PS5 Games
A suite of accessibility features opens up the world of The Last of Us Part I to new players.
Ver video "The Last of Us Part I - Accessibility Trailer PS5 Games"
Reading mode- A more accessible screen reading experience on Android
Ver video "Reading mode- A more accessible screen reading experience on Android"
Reading mode A more accessible screen reading experience on Android
To help everyone catch up on the latest content, the new Reading mode on Android creates a more accessible reading experience that’s especially useful for people who are blind, low vision, or dyslexic. Once installed to your settings, it adds customizable display options — including contrast, font type and size — and a text-to-speech function with speed control so you can catch up on your favorite content, your way.
Ver video "Reading mode A more accessible screen reading experience on Android"
Uncharted 4: El Desenlace del Ladrón - A New Adventure in Video Game Accessibility
Naughty Dog nos cuenta cómo hizo Uncharted 4 más accesible para los jugadores con discapacidades.
Ver video "Uncharted 4: El Desenlace del Ladrón - A New Adventure in Video Game Accessibility"
TurAcces/IBV awarded by United Nations World Tourism Organization
UNWTO awarded the app TurAcces/IBV, a new tool for assessing and improving accessibility in tourism facilities. Further information:
Ver video "TurAcces/IBV awarded by United Nations World Tourism Organization"
Campament Territorial de València 2016 - Corresendes XRS
Pla de Corrals - Simat de la Valldigna
Organitzat pel Grup de Muntanya Valldigna i la FEMECV.Ver video "Campament Territorial de València 2016 - Corresendes XRS"
Barranc de Cremades ~ Pla d'Esmoladors - Corresendes XRS - 28/9/2014
Tavernes de la Valldigna i Xeraco.
Distància : 13 Km
Desnivell : 400 m.Ver video "Barranc de Cremades ~ Pla d'Esmoladors - Corresendes XRS - 28/9/2014"
Campionat de Regularitat de la CV 2017 - Corresendes XRS
Diumenge 19 de novembre de 2017 Avui tocava activitat federativa, l'última del 2017. El Centre Excursionista de Tavernes de la Valldigna ha organitzat aquesta competició amb la col·laboració de l’Ajuntament de Tavernes de la Valldigna i la FEMECV, amb una distància de 10,85km i 520 metres de desnivell positiu. Bon ambient i trofeu al club amb més federats cap a casa.
Ver video "Campionat de Regularitat de la CV 2017 - Corresendes XRS"
Un hombre detenido como autor de los incendios
Valencia sigue siendo pasto de las llamas. Los incendios declarados en Alfafara (Alicante) y en los municipios valencianos de Simat de la Valldigna, Bocairent y Onteniente han afectado a unas 2.500 hectáreas. Una persona ha sido detenido como presunto autor de los incendios.
Ver video "Un hombre detenido como autor de los incendios"
Campament Territorial de València 2017 - Corresendes XRS
Diumenge 26 de març de 2017 - Barxeta (La Costera)
Agradable excursió a la Serra de Requena i la Corsa amb una distància de 11,2 km i un desnivell + de 260m.
Aquesta excursió estava programada dins de les diferents activitats que ha tingut el Campament Territorial de València durant el cap de setmana.
L'activitat ha estat organitzada pel Grup Muntanya Valldigna i la FEMECV.
Enguany no hem pogut acampar per diferents raons,però tornarem.
Gràcies,Ver video "Campament Territorial de València 2017 - Corresendes XRS"
Travessia i Pernocta FEMECV - Corresendes XRS
Diumenge 28 d'Octubre de 2018 Hem gaudit moltíssim de l'última jornada d'aquesta activitat organitzada pels companys del GRUP Muntanya Valldigna i la FEDERACIÓ D'ESPORTS DE MUNTANYA I ESCALADA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA ,amb una ruta espectacular per la Serra de Quatretonda. L'activitat constava de dos dies d'activitats muntanyenques pels increïbles paratges de Quatretonda i pernoctar en el refugi de la Bastida. Nosaltres només vam poder acudir el dia 28, ja que el 27 teníem el Mondúver Trail. En qualsevol cas, donar l'enhorabona als organitzadors i al mestre cuiner de la paella, molt bona per cert. No deixeu de visitar el refugi de la Bastida i totes les rutes que hi ha per la zona perquè us sorprendreu.
Ver video "Travessia i Pernocta FEMECV - Corresendes XRS"
Wheelchair Extreme Parkour
Even with accessible sidewalks, it's not easy to get around in parts of most cities.
Ver video "Wheelchair Extreme Parkour"
Google Play Introducing
Entertainment is now all in one place, always accessible on the web and across your Android devices.
Ver video "Google Play Introducing"
Book for Ipad
iPad - a quick overview & startup guide,iPad tips and tricks,Accessibility options, and more here...
Ver video "Book for Ipad"
Swim with Dolphins in Riviera Maya - Cancun - Tulum - Cozumel
Dolphinaris offers guests of all ages and abilities a confortable and accessible setting for a spectacular, personal experience. Swim with Dolphins in Riviera Maya, recommended on Trip Advisor.
Ver video "Swim with Dolphins in Riviera Maya - Cancun - Tulum - Cozumel"
The Black Eyed Peas Experience - Live Trailer 2011
The Black Eyed Peas Experience is the only dance game that features the BEP's infectious beats, accessible hooks and crazy-fun dance moves to create the world's biggest party.
Ver video "The Black Eyed Peas Experience - Live Trailer 2011"
Google's 20th Birthday - US
Twenty (ish) years ago, two Stanford Ph.D. students launched a new search engine with a bold mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
Ver video "Google's 20th Birthday - US"
Xbox Series S - World Premiere Reveal Trailer
Introducing Xbox Series S. Next-gen performance in the smallest Xbox ever. Experience the speed and performance of a next-gen, all-digital console at an accessible price point: $299 (ERP).*
Ver video "Xbox Series S - World Premiere Reveal Trailer"
Trehan Delight Residences Bhiwadi
Trehan Delight Residences offers well 2BHK life style luxury apartments in alwar bypass road, Bhiwadi, Gurgaon. The Trehan Delight is located in a very beneficial and easily accessible position call 9560090064 for more information.
Ver video "Trehan Delight Residences Bhiwadi"
Mini Split Air Conditioner Reviews in Trenton (Portable AC). Mini Split Air Conditioner Reviews (Portable AC). Check that the water removal tray is easily accessible as different units locate the water trays differently. Please Contact us for Help 877-770-3548.
Ver video "Mini Split Air Conditioner Reviews in Trenton (Portable AC)."
Haier Mini Split in Madison (How to Air Condition an Attic?) Homes that have an accessible attic space offer a tempting area for square footage expansion; this top floor can easily become an office space or extra bedroom. Call us for Help 877-770-3548.
Ver video "Haier Mini Split in Madison (How to Air Condition an Attic?)"
The Container Store Mesh Compact Fridge Cart Review
The Container Store Mesh Compact Fridge CartProduct Review
Click on the link for more reviews
Epoxy-bonded steel construction
Exceptionally smooth-gliding drawers
Provides excellent visibility and accessibility to the contents
Casters offer mobility
Ver video "The Container Store Mesh Compact Fridge Cart Review"
Lg Ductless Split Air Conditioner in Broken Arrow. Lg Ductless Split Air Conditioner in Broken Arrow. Evaluate insulation - In most homes, only the attic insulation is accessible for do-it-yourself evaluation. Call us 877-770-3548
Ver video "Lg Ductless Split Air Conditioner in Broken Arrow."
Camera Switches Navigate your phone with facial gestures
Camera Switches is a new Android accessibility feature that can help people with speech and motor impairments navigate their phones using eye movements and facial gestures, customised to their range of movement. Find out more at
Available from 30 September 2021.Ver video "Camera Switches Navigate your phone with facial gestures"
Preview Be Our Guest restaurant entrance bridge waterfall New Fantasyland at Walt Disney World
When Walt Disney World began dress rehearsals of New Fantasyland on October 12, 2012, the Be Our Guest restaurant wasn't quite ready for guests to enter, but its surrounding area was accessible, including some of the most impressive scenery and detail in the Magic Kingdom expansion.
Ver video "Preview Be Our Guest restaurant entrance bridge waterfall New Fantasyland at Walt Disney World"
CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE Gameplay Trailer (2019)
n Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, players will be thrust into an immersive narrative spanning the entire game. Players can experience the ultimate online playground with classic multiplayer or squad-up and play cooperatively in a collection of elite operations, accessible to all skill levels.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare arrives October 25th, 2019.Ver video "CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE Gameplay Trailer (2019)"
btv solo cost - home studio recording software
btv solo cost - home studio recording software
We wanted to create a product for all the people who aspired to be record producers but didn’t know where to start, or they didn’t know how to get the equipment, or it wasn’t really accessible...That’s why we went back and created Beat Thang Virtual SOLO.”Ver video "btv solo cost - home studio recording software"
Sterling 93-953 Composite/Metal/Paper Cats Meow Table Lamp Review
Sterling 93-953 Composite/Metal/Paper Cats Meow Table LampProduct Review
Click on the link for more reviews
This cats meow table lamp showcases simple beauty and versatile style
Made of composite, metal and paper
It accommodates one 100-watt medium base bulb
Includes easily accessible socket switch
Lamp measures 17-inch length by 10-inch width by 34-inch height
Ver video "Sterling 93-953 Composite/Metal/Paper Cats Meow Table Lamp Review"
American Standard 2847.128.020 Town Square FloWise RH Elongated One Piece Toilet, White Review
American Standard 2847.128.020 Town Square FloWise RH Elongated One Piece Toilet, WhiteProduct Review
Click on the link for more reviews
Right height elongated one piece toilet with Duroplast slow close seat and cover
Elongated, siphon action jetted bowl with smooth-sided, concealed trapway
Powerwash rim scrubs bowl with each flush
16-1/2" rim height for accessible applications
12" rough in
Ver video "American Standard 2847.128.020 Town Square FloWise RH Elongated One Piece Toilet, White Review"
VMDirect and Helloworld
The only online one stop location for you to create, manage, store and share all your digital assets. And it is accessible to you, where ever you are, from our secure servers. It is more than just a digital asset manager. Its like having your own online TV network and multimedia communication system. For 7 pounds you will have access to all our tools, you will enjoy a lot
Ver video "VMDirect and Helloworld"
100 Free Dating Sites severely damaged by
100 Free Dating Sites severely damaged by is regarded as the high quality 100% free dating sites. It truly is in fact the ideal from every one of the 100 free dating sites online. It truly is among the free online dating sites, best dating sites for speed dating combined with strategies with regards to how to make friends. It truly is free dating websites, 100% free dating sites accessible online. Enrollment is quick and typically takes under one minute roughly.Ver video "100 Free Dating Sites severely damaged by"
Un Puma para moverse por Nueva York
Está llamado a revolucionar la movilidad en Nueva York. De la mano del gigante estadounidense General Motors, Puma es un híbrido entre un coche y una motocicleta, cuenta con solo dos ruedas, funciona con baterías y alcanza una velocidad de en torno a los 50 km/h. Su nombre es un acrónimo de Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility (Movilidad y accesibilidad urbana personal) y desde esta semana ya se ha visto alguna por Manhattan. Se acabó la excusa del atasco al llegar tarde al trabajo.
Ver video "Un Puma para moverse por Nueva York"
How to Upload Any File or Folder to Google Drive | Quick & Easy Guide
Need to upload your files or folders to Google Drive?
This video will guide you on how to upload any file or folder to Google Drive, making it easy to store, share, and access your data from anywhere. Whether you’re using a PC, laptop, or mobile device, this tutorial simplifies the process! 🗂️📤✨
📌 What You’ll Learn in This Video:
Step-by-Step File Uploading Process: Easily upload single files or multiple files to Google Drive.
Uploading Entire Folders: Learn how to upload folders directly to keep your files grouped.
Accessing Files on All Devices: Ensure your files are synced and accessible on desktop and mobile.
Drag and Drop vs. Traditional Uploading: Explore different methods to upload files efficiently.
🌟 Why Use Google Drive for File Management?
Google Drive offers free cloud storage, accessible across devices, with sharing and collaboration options, making it a must-have for professionals and students alike.
By the end of this video, you’ll be able to upload any file or folder to Google Drive with confidence, streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity.
Let’s Connect!
What’s your favorite feature of Google Drive? Let us know in the comments below! If this tutorial was helpful, please like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more tech tips. 🔔Ver video "How to Upload Any File or Folder to Google Drive | Quick & Easy Guide"
Optimiza tu Experiencia en Windows 8: Aprende a Anclar Programas a la Barra de Tareas
En este tutorial aprenderemos a crear accesos rápidos en la barra de tareas de Windows
Optimiza tu Experiencia en Windows 8: Aprende a Anclar Programas a la Barra de Tareas **
"Accesibilidad en un Clic: Curso Gratuito sobre Anclar Programas en la Barra de Tareas de Windows 8"
"Trucos para la Barra de Tareas: Curso Gratis para Anclar Programas en Windows 8"
"Windows 8: Domina el Arte de Anclar Programas con Este Tutorial Gratuito"
"Curso Rápido: Anclar Programas a la Barra de Tareas en Windows 8 sin Complicaciones"
"Barra de Tareas Eficiente: Aprende Cómo Anclar Programas en Windows 8 de Forma Sencilla"
"Mejora tu Productividad: Curso Gratis de Anclaje de Programas en la Barra de Tareas de Windows 8"
"Conviértete en un Experto de Windows 8: Aprende a Anclar Programas sin Esfuerzo"
"Trucos Esenciales de Windows 8: Curso Gratis para Anclar Programas a la Barra de Tareas"
"Hacks para Windows 8: Descubre Cómo Anclar Programas con Este Curso Gratuito"Ver video "Optimiza tu Experiencia en Windows 8: Aprende a Anclar Programas a la Barra de Tareas"
Documental. Agujeros negros: El gran enigma del universo"
The documentary "Agujeros negros: El gran enigma del universo" provides a deep exploration of black holes and their mysteries, offering expert commentary and visual aids to help viewers understand these enigmatic celestial phenomena. It has a duration of 44 minutes and has been well-received with a rating of 7.2/10 on IMDb. The documentary is available on various platforms like YouTube and iVoox, making it widely accessible to those interested in learning about black holes.
[4] video "Documental. Agujeros negros: El gran enigma del universo""
Iron Man 2 Trailer - Iron Man 2 [2010 Game Trailer HD]
Iron Man 2 takes players into a richer and more interactive Iron Man world. The game allows players to take full advantage of the Iron Man suit as they battle through futuristic environments inspired by the movie and comic book universe. These environments will also offer a new level of destructibility, making each encounter with enemies a more exciting and intense experience. Also new to the game are some powerful hand-to-hand combat styles one of which is kung fu. Iron Man 2 has taken fan feedback into consideration and will have a redesigned control scheme, making it fun and accessible for gamers to feel the power and strength of Iron Man.
Ver video "Iron Man 2 Trailer - Iron Man 2 [2010 Game Trailer HD]"
Festool 491522 4-Drawer Sortainer Review
Festool 491522 4-Drawer SortainerProduct Review
Click on the link for more reviews
Pull-out lock / individual locking - these features prevent the drawers from being removed or falling out unintentionally
Many variations - the Sortainer is available in many configurations: 12 small drawers, 6 small plus 3 medium, and more
Access from both sides - all parts are instantly accessible from either side
Systainer port - the mobile storage system can be adapted to Systainers of any size; Systainers and Sortainers can be stored safely, while saving space (stationary or mobile options)
Rolling base - upwardly mobile, the rolling base enables quick transport from one location to another, whether in your workshop or on the jobsite (sold separately)
Ver video "Festool 491522 4-Drawer Sortainer Review"
Festool 491985 Sortainer 9 drawers Review
Festool 491985 Sortainer 9 drawersProduct Review
Click on the link for more reviews
Pull-out lock / individual locking - these features prevent the drawers from being removed or falling out unintentionally
Many variations - the Sortainer is available in many configurations: 12 small drawers, 6 small plus 3 medium, and more
Access from both sides - all parts are instantly accessible from either side
Systainer port - the mobile storage system can be adapted to Systainers of any size; Systainers and Sortainers can be stored safely, while saving space (stationary or mobile options)
Rolling base - upwardly mobile, the rolling base enables quick transport from one location to another, whether in your workshop or on the jobsite (sold separately)
Ver video "Festool 491985 Sortainer 9 drawers Review"
Learn American Sign Language: Beginner conversational words and phrases in ASL
This is a beginners introduction to some American Sign Language words and phrases. Get your basic conversational skills started with this newbie-level video. [.read on for more description.]\r
My original beginner conversational ASL video (quicker, shorter) can still be found at: -- This updated video is a bit more slowed down with better accessibility for all levels. I hope you find it useful! \r
Signs shown include (in order): HELLO, How are you, GOOD, BAD, FINE, SO-SO, OK/OKAY, GREAT or WONDERFUL, WHATS UP, NOTHING, BUSY, NOT A-LOT, WHATS YOUR NAME?, MY NAME IS, NICE TO MEET YOU, YES, NO, DEAF, HEARING, HARD-OF-HEARING, Im hearing, and Im learning ASL, LEARN, I want to learn ASL, WANT, ASL, American Sign Language, UNDERSTAND, I dont understand, PLEASE, SORRY, SLOW, AGAIN. THANK YOU, See you later!Ver video "Learn American Sign Language: Beginner conversational words and phrases in ASL"
Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes Captivate 2010 Debut Trailer HD 720P
Captivate 2010 Debut Trailer [HD]
Developer: Capcom
Release: Q4/2010
Genre: Action
Platform: PS3/Wii
Publisher: Capcom
The producer of Devil May Cry 4, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, brings you the newest installment to the BASARA series, Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes, on the PLAYSTATION?3 and Wii. A fun, action-packed and accessible title set during a tumultuous period of Japanese history, Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes follows players as they fight their way to dramatic battle of Sekigahara. Players will master the swords and spears of more than a dozen fierce samurai warriors in huge battles against hundreds of opponents that will become more and more challenging throughout the game. On their journey to the final battle, learn how to unleash powerful and spectacular Basara moves or make use of the boost mode to wipe out as many enemies as possible.Ver video "Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes Captivate 2010 Debut Trailer HD 720P"
BeamNG Drive - EP 5 - Altitude Speed Run & Big Air Vanster
Welcome to Camodo Gamings Lets Play BeamNG EP 5 Altitude Speed Run & Big Air Vanster. We are taking on two challenges today. First up is the Altitude Speed Run by monte379. After that we catch some air in the Big Air Vanster challenge. Anyway, if you have any suggestions comment below.\r
Altitude Big Air: \r
\r is a realistic, immersive driving game offering near-limitless possibilities. Our soft-body physics engine simulates every component of a vehicle in real time, resulting in realistic, dynamic behavior. \r
The driving feel is authentic and visceral, and crashes are realistic and violent; yet the physics are accessible enough to drive with a keyboard or gamepad while still being authentic with a full racing wheel with uncompromising realism. \r
BeamNG: \r
Follow me on Twitter: \r
Intro Music:\r
Derelict Ship by Per Kiilstofte\r
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International\r
(Ver video "BeamNG Drive - EP 5 - Altitude Speed Run & Big Air Vanster"
Villa del Palmar Timeshare
Villa del Palmar is splendidly placed only a five moment stroll from all the movement in the downtown region. It is a perfect spot for timeshare managers as it is not difficult to head into town for supplies if you wish for something more than what is on offer in the on location market. There are additionally incredible restaurants inside the mind boggling and timeshare possessors can purchase a comprehensive pass assuming that they so wish.
The five star resort likewise gloats expansive swimming pools and a saltwater aquarium with a huge waterfall welcoming guests as they enter and is one of the few resorts in Cabo to have admittance straightforwardly to the sunny shore. Additionally, the Villa del Palmar planet class spa is a fascination that guests recollect. The huge establishments offer various unwinding medications and back rubs that finish your get-away in heaven. A completely provided exercise center is additionally accessible to all grown-up visitors, incorporating timeshare possessors.Ver video "Villa del Palmar Timeshare"
Split Any PDF File into Multiple Parts | Easy and Fast Method!
Need to split a PDF into multiple parts?
This tutorial will guide you on how to split any PDF file into two or more parts using online tools. Whether you want to extract specific pages or divide a large file into smaller sections, this method is quick and easy! 📄✂️
📌 What You’ll Learn in This Video:
Splitting PDFs with Online Tools: A step-by-step process for uploading and dividing your PDF into desired sections.
Selecting Specific Pages to Split: Learn how to extract certain pages or split by ranges.
Using Trusted Online Platforms: Find out which websites offer secure and user-friendly splitting tools.
Downloading Your Split PDFs: Save the new files to your device effortlessly.
🌟 Why Use Online Tools to Split PDFs?
Online tools are accessible, free, and do not require software installation, making them an excellent choice for managing PDFs on the go.
By the end of this video, you’ll know how to split PDFs effectively, whether for work, school, or personal projects.Ver video "Split Any PDF File into Multiple Parts | Easy and Fast Method!"
Dating Websites wrecked by FriendFin
FriendFin is obviously the most trustworthy out of all 100% free dating websites. Moreover it is without a doubt the best from each one of the 100% free dating websites accessible on the web.
Visit the Search section at friendfin and type in what you are looking for. Click enter and see the results that show up. The free online dating website has groups for like-minded individuals to communicate and interact with each other. If there are simply no groups for some-thing you find interesting then you can certainly create one. This helps FriendFin be a leader in the Internet's best 100% free dating websites.
The classified section at friendfin, helping make FriendFin be noticed among the 100% free dating websites, is combined into dating, chat, as well as friendship and marriage segments. You can log in at friendfin and post a note about your self or perhaps what you are seeking for and check who responds.Ver video "Dating Websites wrecked by FriendFin"
HP LaserJet 1200 repair - Lubricating the Laser Scanner motor
Help me keep making videos like this by subscribing to my channel! Due to Youtube policy changes I will lose my monetization account by 02/20/2018 unless I get 1000 subscribers by then!\r
Apparently the 2 most common sources of a squealing noise from HP laser printers are the gears or the laser scanner. The first check is to make sure there is no paper stuck in the printer and to remove the toner to eliminate that as a possible source. In this case I was quickly able to determine the source as the laser scanner, and this is how you lubricate the motor to fix the issue. This procedure should also work on the HP LaserJet 1300printer. Note that the removal of the top and right side was a bit tricky; there are screws in the top corners accessible from the back of the printer, and there was an odd friction lock between the right side and back along the bottom of the unit.Ver video "HP LaserJet 1200 repair - Lubricating the Laser Scanner motor"
How to Make Photos Private on Facebook (2025)
📸 Keep Your Photos Private on Facebook – Easy Privacy Guide! 📸
Want to make your Facebook photos visible only to you or specific people? In this video, we’ll walk you through the steps to adjust your privacy settings and take full control of who can view your photos. Protect your personal memories with just a few clicks!
🔍 What’s Inside This Video:
✅ How to find your Facebook photo albums and posts.
✅ Steps to change photo privacy settings to "Only Me," "Friends," or custom audiences.
✅ Best practices for securing your Facebook content.
💡 Why Make Photos Private?
Ensuring that your photos are only accessible to trusted people can protect your privacy and avoid unwanted attention. Take charge of your online presence and keep your cherished moments safe.
🔔 Stay Secure Online!
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If you’re stuck or have questions, let us know in the comments below, and we’ll assist you right away!Ver video "How to Make Photos Private on Facebook (2025)"
[New Update] Shadow Fight 2 v1.9.21 - FATUM
This is the fight scene gameplay of Shadow Fight 2 vs FATUM till finish: \r
In this update:\r
*Top 100. Be the best!\r
*Player statistics. Improve your stats, know your rivals.\r
*A new deadly enemy at the 2nd floor of the Underworld, Underworld: Tier 2\r
*Pay Gems to access raids: the dangers of the Underworld are even closer!\r
*A better combat preparation window. Select charges without another menu.\r
*The Underworld is now accessible after defeating Lynxs 5th guard.\r
*A new Large Charge of Darkness.\r
*Damage done in the raid will always be taken into account!\r
*Bugs fixes, balance adjusted.\r
Current Version: v1.9.21\r
Shadow Fight 2\r
NEKKI : Action Game\r
#Shadow Fight 2\r
Shadow Fight 2 new update\r
Shadow Fight 2 underworld\r
Shadow Fight 2 underworld: Tier 2\r
Shadow Fight 2 2nd floor of the Underworld\r
Shadow Fight 2 update\r
Shadow Fight 2 update titan\r
Shadow Fight 2 - Fatum\r
New Update Shadow Fight 2 v1.9.21\r
Shadow Fight 2, May the battle begin!!Ver video "[New Update] Shadow Fight 2 v1.9.21 - FATUM"