Videos relacionados con what was the purpose of the mayan temples


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  • What Was I Thinking?! - The Training Wheels Of Love.

  • Insane video of what it looks like inside Tropicana Field after the roof was ripped off by Hurricane Milton

    A dramatic video captured the aftermath of Hurricane Milton ripping off the roof of Tropicana Field. Inside the stadium, chaos ensued as debris and strong winds battered the interior. The storm's power and the damage left behind show the destructive force of this rare Category 5 hurricane.

    Ver video "Insane video of what it looks like inside Tropicana Field after the roof was ripped off by Hurricane Milton"

  • The Piano Guys: The Jungle Book / Sarabande (Mayan Style)

    For their latest project, they traveled to Yucatán in Mexico to play music inspired by The Jungle Book by the world famous El Castillo Mayan Temple of Kukulcan.

    Ver video "The Piano Guys: The Jungle Book / Sarabande (Mayan Style)"

  • Celebrates Earth Day 2015 - Google Doodle

    What was the purpose of Earth Day? How did it start? These are the questions I am most frequently asked.

    Ver video "Celebrates Earth Day 2015 - Google Doodle"


    The construction of Prem mandir temple at Vrindavani (at the banks of river Yamuna) was established by Jagadguru Sree Kripaljee Maharaj.\r
    Prem mandir temple was built by nearly thousand distinguished crafts men at vrrindavan in 54 acres. The entire construction of Prem mandir temple is of Italian marble.Lord Krishna takes the main place inside this temple.\r
    Please subscribe my channel.

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  • The Legend of Zelda Theory: The Shadow Temple

    The Shadow Temple, also known as the House of the Dead, is probably the most fascinating temple in the game. Its design is strikingly disturbing, especially considering its implied purpose. In this theory about the Shadow Temple, Im going to frame the temple as a torture site used during the Hyrulean Civil War.\r
    This theory is heavily based on an old thread on Gamefaqs.\r
    Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video :)!

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  • The Mayan Calender Sings of the End

    December 21, 2012 marks the end of the Long Count and Precession Cycle. A fascinating astronomical occurrence will take place that day. The sun will be seen in a conjunction with the crossing point of the galactic equator and the ecliptic which is referred by the Mayans as the Sacred Tree. Since this is due to take place on the winter solstice, this should provide clear evidence that the proper end day of the Mayan calendar is December 21, 2012. Some say December 22,nd, 23rd or even other dates. However, the solstice was an important day to the Mayans and it is logical to think that they would conclude their calendar cycle on this day, coupled with the fact of the rare astronomical occurrence set to take place that day.

    Ver video "The Mayan Calender Sings of the End"

  • Good Charlotte Competes In Double Dare

    You wanted 90's nostalgia, so here it is! Double Dare was a pretty solid game show, but I would have preferred to see a spoof of Legends of the Hidden Temple. The Temple Guards really freaked me out when I was younger.

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  • Chia Seeds

    Chia seeds (pronounced chee'ah) are an ancient wonder grain that served as a powerfood for the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans for over 3,000 years. Chia - the Mayan word for "strength" - was consumed in bread just before battle or mixed in water before running or hunting long distances. Because of its amazing nutrient value, chia seeds were prized more than gold and were even used as medicine.

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  • hotel - latika adventures

    The city of the eternal spring was home of the Chimu culture. In Trujillo, you can find the biggest mud city of the world, Chan Chan, the Temple of the Moon, the Rainbow Temple htt:// and the beautiful beach of Huanchaco. Latika Peru Hotels has selected the best accommodations in town which range from 5 star hotels to 3 star hotels.

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  • hotels - latika adventures

    The city of the eternal spring was home of the Chimu culture. In Trujillo, you can find the biggest mud city of the world, Chan Chan, the Temple of the Moon, the Rainbow Temple and the beautiful beach of Huanchaco. Latika Peru Hotels has selected the best accommodations in town which range from 5 star hotels to 3 star hotels.

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    Our hotel is located in what is called the historical area of the city, only two blocks away from the Qoricancha Temple of the Sun.

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  • hotel - latika adventures

    The city of the eternal spring was home of the Chimu culture. In Trujillo, you can find the biggest mud city of the world, Chan Chan, the Temple of the Moon, the Rainbow Temple and the beautiful beach of Huanchaco. Latika Peru Hotels has selected the best accommodations in town which range from 5 star hotels to 3 star hotels.

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  • Petra .Welcome to Jordan

    Petra is a famous archaeological site in Jordan's southwestern desert. Dating to around 300 B.C., it was the capital of the Nabatean Kingdom. Accessed via a narrow canyon called Al Siq, it contains tombs and temples carved into pink sandstone cliffs, earning its nickname, the "Rose City." Perhaps its most famous structure is 45m-high Al Khazneh, a temple with an ornate, Greek-style facade, and known as The Treasury.

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  • India: Women defy historic temple ban

    A centuries old ban was broken when two women walked into a South Indian shrine.
    The women, devotees of the temple deity, Lord Ayyappa, entered around dawn.

    Ver video "India: Women defy historic temple ban"

  • 10 Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries

    Here are 10 of the most mysterious archaeological discoveries. What a strange world we live in!\r
    Subscribe to Talltanic \r
    # 6 Stone Spheres of Costa Rica\r
    There are over 300 almost perfectly spherical stone balls located on the Diquis Delta and Isla del Cano and are locally known as Las Bolas. They are commonly believed to have been built by the now extinct Diquis Culture and may have been sculptures used to line the pathways to the houses of chiefs, however, this is unconfirmed. These mysterious spheres range in size from just a few centimeters to 2 meters or 6.6 feet in diameter and can weigh up to 15 tons. While many marvel at their perfectly spherical shape now, they have been exposed to erosion for countless years and may have changed from their original shapes.\r
    # 5 Gobleki Tepe\r
    Gobleki Tepe or Potbelly Hill in Turkish is an archaeological site in Southeastern Anatolia. It includes some of the worlds largest megaliths. Interestingly, they date back to the 10th millennium B.C.E. made by semi-nomadic hunters who were unaware of agriculture. Most people believe that humans settled into permanent settlements, then started agriculture, and then started to build temples but Gobekli Tepe challenges that chronology as farming didnt start in the area until around five centuries after this structure was built.\r
    # 4 Yonaguni Monument\r
    The Yonaguni Monument is a submerged rock formation off the coast of the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. The monument has seemingly artificial edges with sharp edges and flat surfaces that seem man-made. The monument seems to be made of twin megaliths because of the right angles on the monument. Those who believe this was a monument made on land and then fell and was submerged into the ocean somewhere between 3,000 years and 10,000 years ago. While the true nature of the Yonaguni Monument is largely debated - some believe it is a naturally occurring rock formation while others strongly believe it is the remnants of a lost ancient civilization.\r
    # 3 The Unfinished Egyptian Obelisk\r
    The Egyptians left behind plenty of things for us to marvel at but one thing they left behind that you might not know about is the Unfinished Obelisk. It is taller than any known obelisk that has been raised however it seems quarrymen abandoned the structure when the sides of it frured. It weighed over 1150 tons and measures 120 feet in height. It was one of the most amazing discoveries in Egypt. As opposed to the Great Pyramids which only shows us the final product, the Unfinished Obelisk shows a glimpse into how Ancient Egyptians worked and made things. In this case, the Obelisk was being carved out of granite bedrock with balls of Dolerite which is a mineral that is harder than granite.\r
    # 2 Pumapunku\r
    Pumapunku is a part of a large temple complex near the Tiwanaku Site of Western Bolivia. It is believed to date have been made approximately 1500 years ago. Pumapunku is comprised of elaborate stone structures that once framed a magnificent and quote “unbelievably wonderful” complex. The stone structures are made with what seems to be complex tools and precision that baffles modern historians. High precision holes and divots are cut into the structure in a way that didnt seem possible at the time.\r
    # 1 Megalithic Temples of Malta\r
    The people of Malta and Gozo in the Mediterranean existed for approximately 1,100 years from 4,000 to 2900 B.C.E. before completely disappearing for no reason. This mysterious culture left behind more than 30 temples in their wake, some of the oldest freestanding stone structures in the world. They seem to have a civilization that focused a lot on life, uality, and death with several phallic symbols, figurines, and figurines of fertile ladies. These temples also had complex underground burial chambers and an abundance of artwork suggesting a thriving society and culture. What could have wiped out such a major civilization so suddenly with nothing left behind remains a mystery although some suggest it was a combination of extreme environmental fors, disease and possibly religious extremists.

    Ver video "10 Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries"

  • "Dragon BZ" Instrumental by AUTISTAS (PERU)

    "Dragon BZ" 20ava. AUTISTAS musical production, a collection of shades of various groups. Audacity was used and the Drum Station 010. The purposes are educational and not promotional.

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  • Neutron star collision by Muse

    (C) Copyright warner music group. All rights reserved and used under the guidelines of the 'Fair use act'. No profit was made and was used for demonstration purpose only. So calm your panties, wmg

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  • Terminator Parody

    What if the Terminator was sent in the time of ...

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  • Extraterrestrial Official Trailer 2012 HD

    What would you do if one morning the sky was full of UFOs? Probably run like hell. However, what would happen if the invasion started while you are in the apartment of the girl of your dreams, the one you just met?

    Ver video "Extraterrestrial Official Trailer 2012 HD"

  • Jade Dynasty S 2 Ep 24 Eng Sub

    Zhang Xiaofan, who was tragically orphaned overnight and who was one of the three survivors of Grass Temple Village—where everyone else was horribly massacred—has suffered a dreadful misfortune. Qingyunmen agreed to take Zhang Xiaofan as a disciple. In addition, Zhang Xiaofan was entrusted with teaching the Brahmin Wisdom, one of the Skysong Sect's most secret doctrines, and carrying the Sinister Bead, one of the most wicked relics. He is currently a member of the Jadeon Sect and has trained diligently for five years. He is an expert in the martial arts of the Seven Vessels of the Mastermen.Due to his ownership and understanding, he will be thrust into a chaotic narrative and forced to shoulder some of the biggest weights in the Martial World. In addition, further perils were in store for him.

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  • Dwarka Dham-dwarka city underwater

    The Dwarkadhish temple, also known as the Jagat Mandir and occasionally spelled Dwarakadheesh Sanskrit and Hindi is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Krishna, who is worshipped here by the name Dwarkadhish, or King of Dwarka. The main shrine of the 5-storied building, supported by 72 pillars, is known as Jagat Mandir or Nija Mandir, archaeological findings suggest it to be 2,200 - 2,000 years old.Temple was enlarged in the 15th- 16th century.The Dwarkadhish Temple is a Pushtimarg temple, hence it follows the guidelines and rituals created by Shree Vallabhacharya and Shree Vitheleshnathji.\r
    cameraq- bhagwan das\r
    voice over- O.P Rathore\r
    direction- sanjay aggarwal\r
    MUSIC LABEL- Ambey Digital\r
    Enjoy & stay connected with us!!\r
    Visit Our Channel For More Videos\r
    If you like the Video, Dont forget to Share and leave your comments.\r
    All rights reserved on -Ambey Digital

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  • The Wrath of Vajra Official Movie TRAILER 1 2014 HD Martial Arts Movie

    Before the West entered World War II, a Japanese death cult called the Temple of Hades is ordered to aid in the spiritual destruction of China. Their method - abduct their enemies' children and train them as killers for the Emperor. Young Vajra was especially gifted, but swears a secret oath of revenge when his brother dies. Now the greatest assassin in the temple, Vajra escapes to China and begins his quest to protect the innocent, and destroy the ones responsible for making him a living weapon. A former Shaolin monk, martial arts action star Xing Yu (aka Shi Yanneng) stars as Vajra in his first leading role.

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  • Doomsday: December 21, 2012 PART 4 OF 5

    PART 4 Will the World Really End December 21, 2012?
    I was recently asked how I interpreted the Mayan and Hopi predictions that the world, as we know it, will end on the 21st of December 2012. Would there be global war -- possibly triggering a nuclear holocaust? Would the planet's life forms finally succumb to the ecological quagmire that's been building in our soils, oceans and atmosphere? Would the current steady increase of previously unknown diseases overcome our ability to defend against them? Or will we suddenly move into a new Golden Age in which the lion lies down with the lamb and struggle, pain, and suffering are gone forever?

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  • Jade Dynasty S 2 Ep 23 Eng Sub

    Zhang Xiaofan, who was tragically orphaned overnight and who was one of the three survivors of Grass Temple Village—where everyone else was horribly massacred—has suffered a dreadful misfortune. Qingyunmen agreed to take Zhang Xiaofan as a disciple. In addition, Zhang Xiaofan was entrusted with teaching the Brahmin Wisdom, one of the Skysong Sect's most secret doctrines, and carrying the Sinister Bead, one of the most wicked relics. He is currently a member of the Jadeon Sect and has trained diligently for five years. He is an expert in the martial arts of the Seven Vessels of the Mastermen.Due to his ownership and understanding, he will be thrust into a chaotic narrative and forced to shoulder some of the biggest weights in the Martial World. In addition, further perils were in store for him.

    Ver video "Jade Dynasty S 2 Ep 23 Eng Sub"

  • Jade Dynasty S 2 Ep 22 Eng Sub

    Zhang Xiaofan, who was tragically orphaned overnight and who was one of the three survivors of Grass Temple Village—where everyone else was horribly massacred—has suffered a dreadful misfortune. Qingyunmen agreed to take Zhang Xiaofan as a disciple. In addition, Zhang Xiaofan was entrusted with teaching the Brahmin Wisdom, one of the Skysong Sect's most secret doctrines, and carrying the Sinister Bead, one of the most wicked relics. He is currently a member of the Jadeon Sect and has trained diligently for five years. He is an expert in the martial arts of the Seven Vessels of the Mastermen.Due to his ownership and understanding, he will be thrust into a chaotic narrative and forced to shoulder some of the biggest weights in the Martial World. In addition, further perils were in store for him.

    Ver video "Jade Dynasty S 2 Ep 22 Eng Sub"

  • Black Ops - WTF Moment - Chopper Gunner Glitch

    The connection was fine at the beginning of the clip, so it's not lag. Please like the video, and comment on what your biggest WTF moment was. Thanks. Distributed by Tubemogul.

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  • SIA - Radial interview Jo Whiley BBC2 09/12/2015

    SIA- Entrevista radial con Jo Whiley BBC2 09/12/2015
    SIA world EN ESPAÑOL

    This channel was created for entertainment purposes only. The purpose of this channel is simply to promote interest in this artist and her activities. This content is non-profit, and is in no way trying to infringe on the copyrights or businesses of any entities. The appropriate accreditation or source of the media is given on this same video.

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  • Queen In The Lap Of The Gods ( Normalize Voice Of Freddie ) 2014

    Queen In The Lap Of The Gods con la voz de Freddie Mercury en su estado natural ( en el L.P Sheer Heart Attack se publicó a propósito Relantelizada ).

    Queen In The Lap Of The Gods with the voice of Freddie Mercury in its natural state (in the Sheer Heart Attack LP was published in slow purpose)

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  • What Was I Thinking -3 Shoes.

    A new series of videos from the pages of VidLit's book , "What was I Thinking?!", that wittily examines that moment in a relationship when a woman realizes, "This is NOT gonna work out!". True survival stories! What was YOUR moment?
    This episode: "What Was I Thinking_3_ Shoes", by Maira Kalman

    Ver video "What Was I Thinking -3 Shoes."

  • Authorities Search for Victims, Cause of Oakland Warehouse Fire

    Fire crews are searching what is left of the building for bodies as the mayor of Oakland promises to find out if the fire was preventable.

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  • La Calle de los Pajaritos | Theme Song | (Castilian Spanish/SPA)

    The theme song used in the Castilian Spanish version of the series that was released on Disney Junior and DVD.

    Taken from the 'Unas Navidades Muy Squooky' DVD.


    Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing. Personal, non-profit and educational use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

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  • Semi Truck Tries To Outrun Train

    I wonder at what point the driver of the semi thought to himself 'hmmm...this was probably a bad idea'.

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  • El Orden de los Factores

    Cortometraje para la Materia Software de Video y Televisión de la Carrera Licenciado en Comunicación de la U.A.B.C.S. School project, I'm not the owner of the rights. This video was uploaded for nonprofit, educational purposes only.

    Ver video "El Orden de los Factores"

  • Semi Truck Tries To Outrun Train

    I wonder at what point the driver of the semi thought to himself 'hmmm...this was probably a bad idea'.

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  • Higher Consciousness TV - Inviting you to see the bigger picture

    Higher Consciousness TV is a non profit site created to invite viewers to look at the biggest question humanity asks ' What is the purpose of our being' promoting a 'Open minded sceptic' mentality in all knowledge seeking covering areas of New Truths, Spiritual Science & OOBE.

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  • Assassin's Creed Revelations Official E3 Trailer

    he official E3 2011 trailer for Assassin's Creed Revelations.

    When a man's battles have been won and his enemies destroyed what then? Where does he find purpose and meaning? To find answers to these questions, Ezio Auditore will travel east in search of the lost library of the Assassins.

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  • Paramore - Thats what you get Drum Cover (DRUMS ONLY)

    Twitter: Helena_Polino
    Snapchat: helenapolino

    Copyright Information**
    This video is not intended to infringe any copyright laws in any way.
    This is for the sole purpose of entretainment.
    It is the copyrighted property of its respective owner(s).

    Paramore – That's what you get
    from the 2007 release "Riot!".
    Is the copyrighted property of its owner(s).

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  • Germanwings pilot locked out of cabin, could never re-enter before tragedy

    New York, Mar 26 (EFE).- One of the pilots of the Germanwings plane that crashed in France Tuesday was locked out of the cabin and was never able to return, according to what a military source involved in the investigation of the accident told "The New York Times."

    Keywords: efe,plane,crash,accident,france,barcelona,germanwings,dusseldorf.

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  • Undercover.2024

    After spending several years infiltrating the circles of the Abertzale left as another young sympathizer of the terrorist group ETA, a police officer gets what she was looking for: ETA contacts her.

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  • Evangeline Lilly Reveals What Son Thinks About Her Playing a Superhero

    Evangeline reveals what it was like bringing her seven-year-old son to the set of Ant-Man and The Wasp and how it made her feel when he was pretending to be her character, The Wasp.

    Ver video "Evangeline Lilly Reveals What Son Thinks About Her Playing a Superhero"

  • Pat McAfee goes nuts as he picks the winner between Oregon and Ohio State

    There was a lot of laughter and excitement as there is every week at College GameDay. This time the crew was in Oregon and Pat McAffe took his shirt off as he picked the winner between the Ducks and Buckeyes in what is expected to be the most entertaining game of the week.

    Ver video "Pat McAfee goes nuts as he picks the winner between Oregon and Ohio State"

  • Nagano 1998 Opening Ceremony - Ode to Joy (World Chorus)

    Performance of a ''world chorus'' of Beethoven Symphony N°9 (Ode to Joy) at the closing moments of the Nagano 1998 Winter Games opening ceremony (directed by Seiji Ozawa). Enjoy


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  • Shaq clears the stands AGAIN!

    They cleared the hell outta there by the time Shaq was out of the key. They don't have to be think twice about what happened on Sunday. lol

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  • numa numa girl

    what was that you said about making bad copies of the numa numa video? artfulness, artifice, craft, craftiness, cunning ...

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  • Jalen Rose in Cop Car - Wait, I'm Getting Arrested?

    Despite being in the back of a police car, Jalen Rose didn't seem to understand he was getting arrested for DUI ... until the cop spelled it all out for him.

    TMZ has obtained video of Jalen inside a cop car in Michigan on March 11 -- moments after he was tossed in the back for allegedy driving drunk.

    In the video, the following exchange takes place between Jalen and the cop:

    Jalen: "So what are we doing right now?"
    Cop: "We're gonna go to the police station right now."
    Jalen: "To do what?"
    Cop: "You're under arrest."
    Jalen: "For what, sir?"
    Cop: "For drunk driving."
    Jalen: "But I wasn't really drinking."
    Cop: "Um, okay."

    Earlier today, officials released the police report -- which shows Rose's blood alcohol level was over the legal limit at the time of his arrest.

    UPDATE: We also obtained police footage of Jalen taking a number of sobriety tests -- including multiple Breathalyzers -- before being taken into custody

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  • Skaters Collide in Mid Air

    This little kid's stomach gets in the way of what was going to be a perfectly awesome trick! Or so the bigger kid tells everyone else.

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  • Bring back memories! Video of a 53-year-old 2Pac reflecting on life creates an intense discussion

    R&B superstar and Hollywood member Tyrese posted a video of the legendary rapper, which sparked a debate about what could have been the life of the Hip Hop legend if he was still alive.

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  • #DWTS: Behind the Scenes with Audience Producer Debbie Clark

    Host Rashad Jennings interviews Dancing with the Stars's Audience Producer of 23 seasons, Debbie Clark. Debbie tells Rashad what goes into managing a live audience of 550 people every week, and what it was like to have Cher in the audience! Don't miss Season 27 of Dancing with the Stars Mondays 8|7c on ABC.

    Ver video "#DWTS: Behind the Scenes with Audience Producer Debbie Clark"

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